Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Return of Christ

Any religious Christian (one who visits the church regularly) would know that the priest always talks about the return of our savior Jesus Christ and that we await his return. The Son of Man himself said that he would return to chose the "good" from the "bad". And that there would be very few who would still be following the principles he laid with sincerity, as most of them would be filled with evil spirits of greed, hatred and jealousy.

However, this makes me wonder if that this is all just a figurative way of telling us the people who inhabit this world, to transform our fellow inhabitants and lead them to to the correct path and rid this world of all evils.

To understand what i am saying recollect the Last Supper, [Matthew 26:26-28]

While they were eating, Jesus took a piece of bread, gave a prayer of thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples. "Take and eat it," he said; "this is my body."

Then he took a cup, gave thanks to God, and gave it to them. "Drink it, all of you," he said; "this is my blood, which seals God's covenant, my blood poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

And we all imitate this ritual every Sunday to receive the holy communion. Hence, we all have been blessed with a part of Christ's very own body, blood and soul. Hence, when the Son of Man says that he shall return to this world, what he would have meant is that through the collective spirit of all those who protect his spirit in themselves, he shall return to once again rule this world. Not that he would appear in flesh and blood a single human, but as a collective spirit to rid the world of all evils.

So, we all must get rid of all ills that have plagued our society and bring about the change that has been eagerly awaited for centuries. It is for us to bring change to this world and when we all put a collective effort, with the blessings of our Lord, that change will sweep this world so rapidly that it will take those filled with evil by surprise.

To that day i dream of....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A couple of Ideas

Both these stuff are related to Computer Science. So it would most probably seem pointless to people not well versed in it.

1. Convergence of operating systems for mobile phones

The problem is that we right now have monolithic operating systems on our phones. So a Nokia phone can run only Symbian; HTC can only run Windows Mobile & the fucking iPhone runs only Apple stuff. That is the operating sytem is linked to the hardware. This results in issues for application developers; as they would need to replicate their application development for all the prominent environments to gain sufficient users.

One solution, would be to let our mobile phone to load any OS we want it too; just like we do for our PCs. This would require the development of a microkernel (hypervisor) on mobile phones. Well this obviously was much much more complex than what i expected :-P

2. Smart compression of web pages to reduce bandwidth usage

Lets consider the example of a blog. The only thing that changes, usually, is the text (post entry). The template reamins the same as you browse a blog. So rather that loading the html page, you should just load the text. The essence is that one should only be loading the difference in the pages and the construction of the actual html code would be handled by the browser on the clients side.

A better use would be in the case of the advertisements which exist on almost every page we visit nowadays. Rather than loading the advertisement every time I press "Next" or browse some other page of the same web site (example - a news portal), i can cache the ad and just load where it needs to be displayed on the page. Usually, the loading of the ad takes a significant time of the total page loading.

The advertisers too will have no issues as the ad will be present even before the complete text has been loaded. The user too isnt suffering anything as we are just loading the text and additional objects (pictures, etc.). hence surfing pages of websites, maintained by the same server will become much faster and would also reduce a significant amount of the bandwidth used. Its a win-win situation for almost everyone. The only catch is that there needs to be "sufficient" cache. But, we already allocate "sufficient" cache, its just that we dont utilize it properly. This will let you improve the use of the cache memory.

Any comments are always welcome :-)